mercoledì 5 gennaio 2011

Spot sul Nucleare

Molte persone dopo aver visto lo spot di ForumNucleare si domandano perchè fare questa pubblictà visto che il governo ha già deciso di costruire nuove centrali nucleari. Il vero motivo per cui inizia ora la pubblicità sul nucleare è la necessità di convincere al più presto l'opinione pubblica della bontà della scelta, perché altrimenti potrebbe opporsi con successo alla costruzione di centrali o depositi sul proprio terrorio. L'Italia è un membro della IAEA ed è tenuto a rispettare gli accordi internazionali che prevedono il consenso informato della popolazione. Date un occhiata a questo estratto:

IAEA Safety Standards
Licensing Process for Nuclear Installations
Specific Safety Guide
No. SSG-12

2.42. The public should be given an opportunity to present their views during certain steps of the licensing process, where appropriate. If a site is near a State’s national border, there should be appropriate cooperation, including public participation, with neighbouring State(s) in the vicinity of the nuclear installation.
2.43. Transparency, along with public participation and involvement in the regulatory process, reinforces the credibility of the regulatory body and enhances local public confidence in the nuclear regulatory regime. The process for public participation should allow individuals or societal groups to challenge the issuing of a licence or authorization if it appears to jeopardize health or safety.
2.44. Throughout the lifetime of the nuclear installation, the public participation process, including participation of local, national and international interested parties, should be open, transparent, well described and balanced, and should ensure that security sensitivities and commercial proprietary information are respected. For example:
(a) The regulatory body and licensee should provide easy access to relevant and comprehensive information relating to safety and to the licensing process and licensed activities. Such information should be published where it can be easily accessed, such as on the internet and in the mass media.
(b) Regular meetings, formal hearings and other appropriate means of communication should be:
(i) Open to the public, the media and other interested parties; (ii) Announced a reasonable period of time before the meeting or hearing takes place.
(c) The public should be given the opportunity to present their opinions at meetings and formal hearings and via other appropriate means of communication.
(d) Comments from the public should be addressed at all steps of the licensing process.
2.45.A process for consideration and resolution of concerns should be established in national regulations and guides.
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